Starting your day right with intention!
A few years ago, I partook in a program called Love or Above by Christie Marie Sheldon. She had a set of guided meditations with a companion workbook. It was through her that I discovered something called The Blessing Ball of Light. It was quite transformational for me!
This is a five to ten minute meditation you can do each morning as you wake up to help set the intent for what you want for the current day. Manifestation is such a powerful tool!
Close your eyes and connect to the "light"
(Light refers to your highest levels of love and joy.
By connecting to the light, we are bringing our consciousness to it).
Take a deep breath and feel the light (I like to
visualize myself connecting high up to the sky). Let the light fill
your body and all of your cells. Starting at your head, all the way
down to your feet.
If you find you can't visualize this or feel it, the
intent will be enough. Set the intent that love and light are filling
up your heart space.
Once you've connected and can feel the loving energy,
you're ready to imagine your ball of light.
Imagine a ball of light
Label it "My day"
To really feel this ball of light, bring your hands
together. You'll soon feel this energy form.
Put what you want for your day into the ball (Setting your intent)
Focus for a big test
The phone ringing off the hook, equaling lots of
Extra energy to get you through the day
Blessing your family with love and happiness
Good vibes for the environments you'll find yourself
Completion of a goal
Meeting to go smoothly
attract a certain kind of person into your life
As you are imagining, you're creating!
When your ball feels full, sit with it for a moment
and bless the energy with pure love and light. If you're sending love
to a friend or family member, you can include their name. Repeat this
until you feel full. I usually do it for about a minute.
Once you've done that, you're ready to bring the ball
of light into your heart. The intention itself will be strong enough,
but if you would like you can physically bring your hands to your
Finally, inhale deeply through your nose and exhale
slowly through your mouth.
Open your eyes and begin your day!
I was surprised to find that within a few days of practicing this, I became more joyful about my day and the things I manifested were coming true!
Let me know your thoughts. If you have any questions, I'd love to answer them!