Instead of making New Year's resolutions, I've created a vision board with what I want to manifest for this upcoming year.
Have you noticed that a lot of your resolutions are the same year after year? When you write down goals or habits to incorporate, they're typically different. You intend to achieve a goal or to obtain a new skill. You're moving forward.
A vision board is a collage with words and pictures that represent your goals and dreams. To create your vision board, start with a theme. The theme can be a word or phrase to describe your intention. I chose balance.
You can include anything that inspires you. Think about your goals for the upcoming year in regards to your personal growth, relationships, career, anything you want to see grow & change.
It's best to hand write your intentions. The physical act of writing, stimulates your brain. You are welcome to type these goals as well, but for your vision board it is preferred if they're written out. Your intentions will be more impactful.
The more personal your vision board is, the more likely you will be to stay with your goals and actually attain them.
When you're thinking about the new year, think about what make your heart light up. What you get excited about. Make those your goals, but balance them with things that you know need to be accomplished.
Your goals and your vision board are your friends. They shouldn't be looked upon as a grueling list of tasks that you are dreading. Hang your vision board where you will see it daily.
Remember to enjoy the process! Make this year about creating the best version of yourself and achieving that which will make you happy, proud, and fulfilled!
If you end up making a vision board, I'd love to see it.
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I now have an email dedicated to this blog : TheZenFashionista@Gmail.Com
Happy new year!